Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Final Countdown

With so many light years to go, and things to be found...

Time has gone exceedingly fast this year! It's like one blinked and the year is over, but along with it comes a mixture of stress, uncertainty and excitement. I haven't blogged for so long, and this isn't going to be a work update, but it won't be the last. I wonder if I should keep on blogging next year? Who would read it?

Monday, June 6, 2011


So, after a month of being recluse I thought I should at least post something. Finally, my "This Is Me" has come. I changed it originally because just having text didn't cut it and a Powerpoint of images was just a bit too low tech. So this expressive short film I've produced has transformed from 'this is me' to a kind of video art. That's right, you figure it out.
I hope it doesn't cause the video to slow, cos that would just mess it up. Uploaded onto Facebook too, if it doesn't work here - but that just made it slow and compromised the integrity of the video. Sigh. Work's been tough, swamped with having to rush to site and then prepare drawings immediately. Everything is always extremely urgent. Urgent urgent urgent. Hahahahaha... 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

work-sleep ratio

Crumbs crumbs crumbs. Crumbs all over my computer keypad. I miss creativity. The thing about doing such a lot of government work (our company is contracted by PGWC) is that there's not much scope for creativity and it merely has to do with remedial shit - keeping to the desired specifications of how government buildings should look like etc. Of course you do get the odd design opportunity for those jobs too, even if it is very minimal. But what can you do, it's government buildings and houses. I despise the latter, but at least you can 'create'. The other thing about G-work is that the client always wants everything URGENTLY which, when you receive the brief about delays caused by contractors and other technicians/engineers it proves really troublesome for your work hours (and thereby your sleep hours)! It is quite exciting however, the thrill of real deadlines coupled with having to churn out 3d's of houses for other clients - it makes one feel as if the day has really been put to good use.

A couple of weeks ago the plotter in our office literally blew up behind me. There was this loud thud as if a mallet had been swung into a concrete slab, and then smoke billowed out of the device. Out out. It's fixed now though. I hate being a student working. Actually, being a student in general. If there is an income, it's never enough to do anything with. And there's so much you have to do! Which is why I am trying to explode into any other opportunity I get, since me having to do CTD only gives me time (the time other than work). It's funny that there should be an article on Architizer about Lego, as I've been trying to do something with Lego also! Not as extravagant as what's been posted there mind you, because I don't have enough Lego to build the suburb where I live. Hahahahahaha. Like the set of Farnsworth House, I've seen one of the Taj Mahal. I wonder what other architectural masterpieces they'll bring out? It's quite good actually, it let's youngsters understand and appreciate the value of architecture in way even if they don't know anything about the building or why (if it is) renowned. I think I'll post some of my Lego stuff, 'cos I'm bored. Just wait for the final product...

I know I should post something architectural, but this seems more fun. Not keeping to architecture in it's most strict sense when I don't have to, is what I love most about architecture. It is anything. It is everything. It is nothing. That's why I LOVE architecture. I'm listening to music as I'm typing so don't really know if what I've been typing makes sense or if I've used the correct grammar. Tough if it doesn't make sense. Deal with it ;-)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bar One Man

What the hell, March is almost over! Argh! Ok, so it's been about three weeks now and it seems that the brief stay at work has become more of a temporary stay. Damn. There goes the free time and days at home. And doing my independent creative projects like making a movie. And thus my chance of making a million rand quickly. Sigh. It takes up so much of your day! A month only, and I'm over working. At least this week's Monday is over, with no work. Thank you long weekend..!

Last Thursday I had to attend a formal annual dinner (yes it was held at the beginning of the year this year) for work for SABTACO, South African Black Technical and allied Careers Organisation, in which we could network with many others involved in the built environment such as engineers and contractors etc. Twas an interesting end to the week. Unexpected actually. Every day is a long day. I'm not sure how it is for the other students, but work nails me. But I guess that's why I've been called back for the temporary state of work, so as to get nailed and get the work done in the alotted time. It's just that it leaves room for very little else, such as my work for university (that's evident, duh). There's just too little hours in a day! Not even 25 hours would help. It's either too little time, or too much traffic. Ima go with traffic. Traffic traffic traffic, wasting the hours of my day and consequently stealing my sleep. There should besome form of instantaneous transport, like teleportation. Just think how the productivity of any and every company would skyrocket!

So I have to get my priorities in order. Not prioritize, just order it. But that's enough ranting for now. The weather today make one want to stay in bed, watch TV and draw. Don't forget sleep. Unfortunately one has to do what one has to do to move forward.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Return of the (archi) Jedi

Ok, so I've been suffering from a bit of internetlessness these couple of weeks and might have missed out on a post or two, but it's nothing major. So I'm back at work again, Jacobs Parker Architects, which means brushed hair and buttoned shirt. Oh bother (say like Winnie the Pooh). They called me up earlier last week to help them with a couple of new projects - that's right I'm now a freelance architect (?) BWAHAHAHAHAHA (supervillain laugh). Or maybe they called just cos' they missed me? Hmm, who knows.

So it's off to site tomorrow, brief and then design. I'm not sure how long they intend for me to stay to work on the projects but I don't think it'll be long. The time off made me miss the work actually but it also gave me time to focus on what achitecture and design is all about. Especially a trip to the Design Indaba a couple of weeks back. We as designers are capable of almost anything. It's how we're programmed. But I'm more of an artist than architect. Although unbeknown to most the two go hand-in-hand. Is 'unbeknown' even a word? Sigh. Let me rather look like I'm working... Hey at least it's a paycheque ;-) hahahaha
(Somewhat of a paycheque)

Monday, February 21, 2011


Gasp! It's blog time again! I actually didn't even realise it, the week went so fast. It's like the year is moving just as fast. Speed living is the term one could use. Eish. I guess time just flies by when you're 'between jobs'. The best things about not having to work are: not having to brush your hair and not having to button your shirt. The worst thing - not having a paycheque at the end of the month! Blogs are hard.

Friday, February 11, 2011

um... blog?

So, are we required to solely speak about architecture in this blog? I actually have a strong urge not to speak about architecture, and I refuse to! To speak about how wonderful the phenomenological aspect of the haptic qualities of concrete every week would become cliche which is why I won't. Instead I'll use it so that you can get to know me better!

But let me rather just say something about work. Work which I have completed. My contract has ended howevere they still hold on to me to do work for them occassionally, it turns out they took the work I did there for granted and now it's chaotic! Hahahahahaaha! Anyway, I'm liking the time off.

I don't know what else to say, that's about as architectural as I'm going to allow myself to get this week - I think I'll post something else more later. Happy reading!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

At Last!

"Finally, The Rock has come back to *insert name of town here "
I was actually making use of the word 'finally' in a sentence to describe the completion of the blog but I went off on a tangent instead and that seemed more interesting. Sometimes punctuation can be hard. Well, at least my blog is done!